September 21, 2022

The Power of Habit

Mindset First


The power of habit is something which continues to suggest if an individual will succeed or not. Now, it is extremely important that we understand that habits can be both negative as well as positive. Additionally, it is important to understand that even if you have developed negative or positive habits, they can always be changed or further strengthened. 

In the simplest terms, a habit is the result of consistency. Building and developing habits only takes place through countless repetition, resilience, and persistence. Once again, it is important to remember that just as we look to be consistent, resilient, and persistent when building positive habits, many of us have displayed the same characteristics subconsciously when developing bad habits (ie. negative self talk).

Consistent behaviour and thought patterns will eventually develop into habits, and once they have done so, they can tremendously help us or they can jeopardise our ability to perform and be at our best. It is extremely important that we pay close attention to our day to day tendencies and monitor some of the following elements :

  • Self Talk
  • Effort Levels
  • Your response to difficult or negative situations
  • Your response to high stress situations
  • Your perspective on day to day situations

Majority of athletes don’t realize that the habits they develop will most likely develop in training. It is often that I mention to athletes that training is the most important part of their athletic journey as it is the most frequent form of engagement in their sport. Due to the fact that training is consistent, this is where athletes will develop the majority of their habits; both good and bad. 

Follow these 6 steps for the 6 months and I can promise you that at the end of the 6 months you will be a different athlete : 

  • Always show up to training with a plan, focus, or intent
  • Always give 100% percent effort regardless of fatigue levels, temperature, soreness, etc. 
  • Choose accountability over excuses
  • Actively listen and try your best to implement changes 
  • Be your own biggest fan 
  • Give yourself positive feedback after every single training session – no exceptions!